10 Interesting Facts about Dreams

Dreaming is a way of escaping reality and building a world of your own where you can control your wishes and desires. Some people remember their dreams after they wake up, other don’t. Those who remember their dreams tend to analyze them, looking for specific meaning. Sometimes dreams can help you. These are 10 interesting facts about dreams.

1. You forget 90% of your dream

When you wake up within 5 minutes half of your dream is gone. Within 10 minutes 90% of your dream is completely forgotten.

2. Blind People Also Have Dreams

Those people who have lost their vision in one point in their life still have as vivid dreams as when they could see. People blind from birth also have vivid dreams that include other senses: sounds, smells, touch and emotions.

3. Everybody Dreams

Everybody dreams. Some people think that they don’t dream because they forget their dreams but the fact is that they have them.

4. In Our Dreams We Only See Familiar Faces

In our dreams we only see faces we of people we know or have seen. It might have been only a face of a passerby we might not remember while we are awake. But our brain storages thousands of faces so we have an endless supply.

5. Not Everybody Dreams in Color

Only 12% of people dream in black and white, the rest have colorful dreams. Only 4.4% of dreams of people under 25 are in black and white.

6. Dreams are Symbolic

Dreams speak in a symbolic language. A symbol that your dream picks up is not usually the symbol by itself.

7. Emotions

Negative emotions in dreams are more often than positive ones. Anxiety is one of the most common emotions in dreams.

8. You Can Have Four to Seven Dreams in One Night

You can dream from one to two hours, every night.

9. Animals Dream Too

After many studies have been conducted a conclusion about animals having the same waves during sleeping as humans has been reached. That is animlas dream, too. You can clearly see it when watching a dog moving his paws as if it was running, while asleep.

10. Men and Women Dream Differently

Men tend to dream about other men while women’s dreams contain both men and women equally. And men have more aggressive emotions while dreaming the women.

Fix Windows Display Quality Issues

The display is without doubt one of the most important parts of a computer system. Display related issues, like blurry text, a bad refresh rate or colors that do not really match can impact a user’s work experience on a computer. Imagine having to work ten hours a day on a computer with blurry or difficulty to read fonts, not a nice prospect.
Microsoft Support has released a new Fix-It solution to fix Windows display quality issues. A Fix-It is a small portable program that can resolve common Windows issues automatically. Each Fix-It offers to resolve issues that it finds automatically or give the user the option to select the fixes manually. The second option is usually the recommended one as it gives users more control over the troubleshooting process and repair.
The display quality Fix-It is available as an app that downloads needed files from the Internet and as a portable version.

When you start the program the following screen is presented to you.

I’d recommend to select Detect problems and let me select the fixes to apply to avoid additional issues that the troubleshooter may cause. The Windows Display Quality Troubleshooter analyzes the system and displays fixes after the diagnosis has been completed on the next screen.
Here it is then possible to run some or all of the fixes if the manual option has been selected. It is also possible to display a detailed report that displays all issues that the Display Quality Troubleshooter checks for.

  • Clear Type settings may not be adjusted
  • Display settings are not optimized
  • Calibrate display color settings
  • The video card driver is not Windows Display Driver Model compliant
  • Blurry text or graphics
The troubleshooting tool runs all selected fixes to resolve display quality issues in the Windows operating system. Depending on the issues, wizards may be displayed that walk the user through the configuration or fine tuning of a feature. This is for instance the case if Clear Type settings appear not to be adjusted.


Embarassing & hilarious celebrity private photos

Greetings from the Twitter! One would think that  celebrities had enough of photographig and that they are fed up, but some of them, when there are no professional photographers around, are reachnig for the camera by themselves (in this case, a web camera). See the best photos of the celebrities which they made and published on their Twitter profiles.

With this image on his Twitter, the highest paid U.S. TV star Kim Kardashian  would like to inform fans that now she has … lighter hair color.

Danny de Vito advertises his account topless.

… just like Rihanna.

Lindsay Lohan and model Adrian Kerry are publishing a bit more personal images on theri accounts.

Courtney Love with a turtle on her head. We do not know why either.

Jessica Alba with their daughter.

Hungry? Katy Perry is serving dinner!

Paris Hilton with a camel (she’s the one on the left!).